
Denver Active 20-30 Children’s Foundation (DA20-30) is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit comprising more than 100 young men who volunteer a substantial amount of time to raise money on behalf of disadvantaged, at-risk youth in our local community. Our mission targets underserved youth in the most marginalized segments of our community. Almost 85% of the youth supported through our grants live in low income or poverty conditions, represent communities of color, and suffer disproportionately from the effects of social, health, and economic disparities. Our members are called to action to help improve low rates of educational attainment, lack of health care access, high rates of abuse and neglect, and insufficient personal growth opportunities these children experience.
Transitioning out of service these soldiers find themselves alone facing an unfamiliar enemy, one they’ve never trained for called transition. How does their past life translate to this new one? How do they find new purpose without teammates or resources to help? They may have sustained injuries—internal, external, or both—that the current system does not know how to address. They are teaching themselves how to be a father and husband again having been deployed most of their career. The SEAL Future Foundation is here with the tools and resources to help these soldiers get healthy and find their next purpose .

As a member of the civilian team at Seal Future Foundation we work to bring a personal and professional community filled with resources around these dedicated soldiers. If you have questions or would like to learn more, please reach out below.

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